Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Nurturing New Life: Essential Baby Care Tips After Delivery


baby care after delivery India

Welcoming a newborn into the world is a joyous occasion, but it also brings a wave of responsibilities, especially for new parents. Vidhi Beri brings you expert advice and practical tips on baby care after delivery to ensure your little one receives the best possible care. From soothing techniques to feeding schedules, we cover everything you need to know to navigate the postpartum period with confidence.

1. Bonding Moments: Establishing a Strong Connection

Building a strong bond with your baby begins right after delivery. Spend quality time skin-to-skin, engage in gentle touch, and maintain eye contact to foster a sense of security and attachment. These moments of closeness not only benefit your baby's emotional development but also enhance breastfeeding success.

2. Mastering the Art of Swaddling

Swaddling replicates the cozy environment of the womb, offering comfort and security to your newborn. Learn the proper technique of swaddling to help your baby sleep better and reduce startle reflexes. Remember to keep the swaddle snug but not too tight to allow for healthy hip development.

3. Navigating Feeding Challenges

Whether you choose breastfeeding or formula feeding, it's essential to establish a feeding routine that works for both you and your baby. Seek guidance from lactation consultants or healthcare providers to address any breastfeeding difficulties and ensure proper latching techniques. If opting for formula, select a high-quality, nutrient-rich option suitable for your baby's age.

4. Sleep Strategies for Newborns

Sleep deprivation is a common challenge for new parents, but implementing effective sleep strategies can promote better rest for the entire family. Create a calming bedtime routine, maintain a consistent sleep environment, and practice safe sleep practices, such as placing your baby on their back to sleep. Consider using white noise machines or gentle rocking motions to help soothe your little one to sleep.

5. Diaper Duty: Tips for Diaper Changing

Mastering the art of diaper changing is a skill every parent must acquire. Keep essentials such as diapers, wipes, and diaper rash cream within reach to streamline the process. Remember to clean the diaper area thoroughly and allow for some diaper-free time to prevent diaper rash. Additionally, monitor your baby's bowel movements and urine output to ensure they're getting enough fluids.

6. Recognizing Signs of Discomfort

Babies communicate through cries, gestures, and facial expressions, signaling their needs and discomforts. Pay close attention to your baby's cues and respond promptly to alleviate any discomfort. Whether it's hunger, fatigue, or discomfort from gas, comforting your baby in a timely manner fosters a sense of security and trust.

7. Self-Care for New Parents

Amidst the whirlwind of caring for a newborn, don't forget to prioritize self-care. Take breaks when needed, enlist the help of family and friends, and don't hesitate to seek support from healthcare professionals or support groups. Remember, a well-rested and emotionally supported parent is better equipped to care for their baby.


Caring for a newborn is a journey filled with joy, challenges, and countless rewarding moments. With the right knowledge and support, you can navigate the postpartum period with confidence and ensure the well-being of both you and your baby. Trust in Vidhi Beri's expertise and practical tips to embark on this beautiful journey of parenthood. Visit our website at Vidhi Beri for more valuable insights and resources on baby care after delivery.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Empower Your Journey with Life Coaching Programs in India



In a fast-paced world where stress and challenges are an integral part of our daily lives, it's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed and lost. At times, we all need a guiding hand to navigate the complexities of life. This is where life coaching programs in India come into play, offering a transformative experience that can help you regain control and find your path to success and fulfillment.

What are life coaching programs in India?

Life coaching programs are designed to provide individuals with the tools, strategies, and insights needed to overcome obstacles, set and achieve meaningful goals, and lead a more balanced and purposeful life. Unlike therapy, which often delves into the past to heal emotional wounds, life coaching focuses on the present and future, aiming to empower individuals to make positive changes and attain their desired outcomes.

Why consider life coaching programs in India?

Clarity and Direction: Life coaching can help you gain a clear understanding of your goals and priorities. By working with a skilled coach, you'll learn to identify what truly matters to you and how to pursue it effectively.

Increased Confidence: Self-doubt can hold you back from realizing your potential. Life coaching equips you with the self-assurance to take on challenges and step out of your comfort zone.

Improved Relationships: Life coaching isn't just about personal development; it extends to enhancing your interpersonal skills. You'll discover how to communicate better, build stronger connections, and foster healthier relationships.

Enhanced Decision-Making: Life coaching programs in India provide valuable techniques for making informed choices. You'll learn to make decisions aligned with your values and long-term objectives.

Stress Management: In today's hectic world, stress can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. Life coaches can teach you effective stress management techniques to lead a more balanced life.

Achieving Your Dreams: Whether you aspire to excel in your career, start a business, or explore new passions, life coaching can be the catalyst for turning your dreams into reality.

Choosing the right life coach in India

When seeking life coaching programs in India, it's essential to choose the right coach who resonates with your values and understands your unique needs. Vidhi Beri, a renowned life coach, offers tailored coaching programs that empower individuals to lead more fulfilling lives.

Vidhi Beri's approach to life coaching is holistic and client-centered. With a focus on personal growth, goal achievement, and self-discovery, Vidhi Beri helps you chart a course towards your aspirations, all while maintaining an empathetic and supportive environment.


Life coaching programs in India provide a powerful platform for personal and professional growth. They offer guidance, support, and practical tools to help you navigate life's challenges and reach your full potential. If you're ready to take control of your life, boost your confidence, and achieve your goals, consider exploring life coaching programs in India, and discover the transformational journey that awaits you with Vidhi Beri as your guide. Don't wait start your journey towards a brighter future today.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Nurturing Healthy Infants: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimal Nutrition and Growth


infant nutrition and growth


The early stages of an infant's life are crucial for their overall development, and proper nutrition plays a pivotal role in ensuring their optimal growth. Understanding the essentials of infant nutrition and growth is essential for parents and caregivers to provide the best start for their little ones. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of infant nutrition, focusing on fostering healthy growth and development.

Infant Nutrition: A Foundation for Growth

Infants experience rapid growth and development during their first year of life. To support this growth, it's imperative to provide them with a balanced and nourishing diet. Breast milk, often referred to as "liquid gold," is nature's perfect food for newborns. It contains a plethora of nutrients, antibodies, and enzymes that are specifically tailored to meet the needs of a growing infant. Breastfeeding establishes a strong foundation for both physical and cognitive development.

For those who opt for formula feeding, it's crucial to choose a high-quality infant formula that mimics the nutritional composition of breast milk as closely as possible. Look for formulas that are rich in essential nutrients such as proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Consult your pediatrician to determine the most suitable formula for your baby.

Introducing Solid Foods: A Milestone

Around six months of age, infants begin to show signs of readiness for solid foods. This marks a significant milestone in their nutritional journey. When introducing solids, focus on single-ingredient, nutrient-dense options such as pureed fruits, vegetables, and iron-fortified cereals. This gradual transition complements the nutritional intake from breast milk or formula, while also exposing infants to new tastes and textures.

As your baby's palate expands, you can gradually introduce a variety of foods to provide a well-rounded diet. Remember to introduce new foods one at a time and observe for any allergic reactions. Patience is key during this phase, as it might take multiple tries for a baby to accept a new food.

Balancing Nutritional Needs

The key to promoting optimal growth and development in infants is to ensure a balanced intake of macronutrients and micronutrients. Proteins aid in muscle and tissue development, while fats support brain and nervous system growth. Complex carbohydrates provide a steady source of energy, fueling the infant's activities and growth.

Vitamins and minerals are equally vital for a baby's overall health. Iron, for example, is critical for cognitive development and preventing anemia. Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption, promoting strong bone development. Zinc supports immune function and cell growth.

Keywords Matter: Infant Nutrition and Growth

In conclusion, understanding the significance of proper infant nutrition lays the foundation for healthy growth and development. Breast milk or high-quality formula provides the essential nutrients infants need in their early months. As they transition to solids, introducing a variety of nutrient-dense foods supports their expanding nutritional requirements.

By focusing on the principles of balanced nutrition and offering a diverse range of foods, parents and caregivers contribute to the well-being of their little ones. Remember, each baby is unique, so consult your pediatrician to tailor a nutrition plan that meets your infant's specific needs.

For more information and expert advice on infant nutrition and growth, visit Vidhi Beri's website at

Monday, June 26, 2023

The Unspoken Struggle of Breastfeeding: Why You Need a Lactation Consultant

 Breastfeeding is a natural and healthy process for both mom and baby. However, it can often come with challenges that may make it difficult for nursing mothers to continue. This is where a lactation consultant comes in. In this article, we will discuss what a lactation consultant does, when to consult them, and the benefits of working with one.


What is a Lactation Consultant?

 A breastfeeding lactation consultant is a trained professional who provides guidance and support to nursing mothers. They are experts in breastfeeding and can help with a variety of challenges that new mothers may face. Their goal is to ensure that both the mother and baby have a successful breastfeeding experience.

What a Lactation Consultant Does

A lactation consultant can assist new mothers in several ways, including:

 Providing breastfeeding education: A lactation consultant can teach new mothers about the benefits of breastfeeding, how to position the baby, and how to stimulate milk production.

 Assisting with proper latching techniques: A good latch is essential for successful breastfeeding, and a lactation consultant can help ensure that the baby is latching on correctly.

 Helping to address supply issues: Sometimes, a mother may struggle with milk production, which can cause frustration and stress. A breastfeeding lactation consultant can offer solutions, such as increasing the frequency of feedings and using breast pumps.

 Providing support for pumping and bottle-feeding: A lactation consultant can assist mothers who want to pump breast milk for later use or switch to bottle-feeding.

 Developing personalized breastfeeding plans: Every mother and baby is different, and a lactation consultant can create individualized plans based on their unique needs.

When to Consult a Lactation Consultant

It's essential to know when to seek help from a lactation consultant. Some signs that you should schedule an appointment include:

 Latching difficulties: If your baby is having trouble latching onto your breast or is having difficulty staying latched on, you may need assistance.

Painful breastfeeding: Breastfeeding should not be painful. If you are experiencing pain, it's a sign that something is wrong.

 Concerns about milk supply: If you are worried that you are not producing enough milk to meet your baby's needs, a lactation consultant can help.

Breast engorgement: Engorged breasts can be uncomfortable and make it difficult for the baby to latch on. A lactation consultant can provide tips on how to manage engorgement.

 Concerns about your baby's weight gain: If you are worried that your baby is not gaining weight as it should be, a lactation consultant can assess the situation and help develop a plan to address any issues.

The Benefits of Working with a Lactation Consultant

  Working with a lactation consultant can provide numerous benefits, including:

 More successful breastfeeding experience: A lactation consultant can help ensure that breastfeeding is a positive experience for both the mother and baby.

 Reduced stress and anxiety related to breastfeeding: Breastfeeding can be stressful, especially when things don't go according to plan. A lactation consultant can provide reassurance and support during this time.

 More confidence in breastfeeding: With the guidance of a lactation consultant, new mothers can feel more confident in their ability to breastfeed successfully.

 In conclusion, a lactation consultant is a valuable resource for nursing mothers. Their expertise can help new mothers overcome challenges and have a successful breastfeeding experience. Don't hesitate to reach out to a breastfeeding lactation consultant if you need assistance - they are there to help.

The author of this article works as a mental health professional and Specialist in the fields of Holistic Health, Lactation, Maternal Health Wellness, Child Nutrition, and Children's Milestone Development with effective and well-structured maternity wellness programs.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023



LIFE COACHING involves working with clients to help improve their quality of life through various emotions and actions. A Life Coach will be there to support a client throughout the coaching process until they feel they have reached the goals they have set in place.

Life coaches will create a mentoring relationship in which clients feel confident and comfortable. There are three stages to mentoring relationships and the process it goes through to reach the end goal.

1 GAIN CLARITY AND PURPOSE: - One benefit of a Life Coach is helping you find your purpose and clarity in life by understanding who you really are. Many people find it unclear to understand what it is they actually want in life, in order to know this you need to be confident in who you are and what you want. Aspects which contribute to this would be looking at what is meaningful to you, what brings you joy and what gives you a sense of purpose.

2. A POINT OF GUIDANCE: - Life Coaches are trained to be level-headed, understanding and controlling emotions. One major benefit is having a point of guidance in life. When getting started with a Life Coach you will work on uncovering what it is you want from your sessions, how you are hoping to change aspects or your life and why you are doing this. After successfully doing this your Life Coach can map out a series or small goals which will make it clear what you are working towards.

3. ENAGEMENT: - Engagement can quickly become a clear benefit to having a Life Coach as it can be one of the most difficult points when trying to get to a certain point. Life can quickly get on top of you as you strive towards your desired destination causing you to lose a sense of enjoyment in it all. A Life Coach will use a combination of mindfulness techniques to help you come back into the present moment.

4. SETTING ACHEIVABLR GOALS: - Some people may find it easy to set Life Goals and work out how they are going to achieve them, however, many people don’t know where to start and that’s completely normal. A Life Coach will benefit goal setting by helping you make a plan on how to set effective goals and the actions to achieve them. Throughout your life coaching programs, your Life Coach will pull together your thoughts, wants and beliefs to help identify and visualize life goals for yourself.

5. IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY: - Improving productivity can be a huge benefit of having a Life Coach; you may often feel like you don’t have enough hours in a day to achieve what you would like. When you start to work with a Life Coach, they will help you reflect and reframe how you are currently spending your days.

6. IMPROVE SELF AWARENESS: - Understanding the impact you can have on others and clocking your flaws, strengths and personality attributes can be difficult for you to pick up on yourself. An important part of self-awareness is the ability to reflect on yourself. One benefit of working with a Life Coach is session to session will involve reflection on aspects of your life, which in turn will improve self-awareness.






Monday, April 3, 2023

Enjoy Your Pregnancy Time with Helpful Books


Pregnancy is an exciting time in a parent’s life, but it can also be intimidating. Mother's body is going through several changes. For first-time moms, it can be relaxing to know what to expect and how to deal with it. Moms who’ve done this before may want a refresher and guidance on healthy eating and exercise habits and breastfeeding tips.


Expecting parents don’t hold built-in knowledge of everything that happens when growing a baby. On the other hand, if your first baby is on the way unless you have experience in obstetrics or midwifery, a mother probably doesn't have any idea about the details of all the growth and changes both herself and the baby is experiencing.


That’s where pregnancy books are needed. From month-by-month to week-by-week and even very detailed day-by-day guides, pregnancy books keep you updated on all the physical changes a baby and a mother is going through and provide additional support for the physical, emotional and psychological journey you’re going through as an expecting parent.


There are a lot of Maternity books in India out there. According to your need, you can have straightforward facts from reputable medical sources and journals, humorous anecdotes and support from experienced parents, relevant information from parents who are doctors too or anything in between, there are pregnancy books for every personality. There are even books in the market for non-pregnant partners to get support and advice on their journey to parenthood.


What this pregnancy book delivers:


This pregnancy book often breaks down the baby’s growth by week and the mom’s changing body by month, and includes a 40-week pregnancy calendar, symptom guide and illustrations and care nutrition and medical possibilities for the newborn. More importantly: it provides trustworthy medical information from doctors from reputable clinics. And as a bonus, those doctors are also moms and dads, too, who can answer all your weird queries and know exactly what you’re experiencing.


Even if tiny humans entered earlier in the world, or you are an experienced parent no two pregnancies are alike. While even the thought of food may have turned your stomach during your first pregnancy, at the time of your second pregnancy you may have eaten everything in sight. And if you’ve never experienced pregnancy before, you definitely wonder what is normal and what is not.


That’s where Maternity books in India arrive at the rescue. From tried and tested knowledge and favourites to the newly published guides on bookstands, the best books about pregnancy are filled with information sure to put mommies' minds and daddy's brains at ease.


Maternity books for fathers


If you are an expectant father who is reading this article, first of all, congrats! You, sir, are very crucial in the life of your tiny superstar. Statistics and our new culture, in general, show us every time that a baby needs their dad. As a result of an active father, kids grow up more secure, better socially adjusted, less likely to have any addiction, and more independent. Never underestimate your importance in the life of your child rather enjoy every bit of the pregnancy journey by reading excellent books, listening to soothing music and planning about your future.


'Decoding Motherhood', a famous book by an eminent mental health professional Vidhi Beri shares a lot of positive vibes with the expecting parents. This maternity book in India itself is a journey towards a fresh start as a beautiful parent. To know more about this book and maternity and wellness care, please have a tour of the official website of Vidhi Beri



Friday, March 24, 2023

Tips For Creating A Healthy Weaning Diet For Your Infant

 Weaning is the gradual process of transitioning a baby from breast milk or formula to solid foods. This can be an exciting but also challenging time for parents, as they navigate the world of baby food and try to ensure that their little one is getting all the nutrients they need to grow and develop.

In this article, we'll provide some guidance on how to create a healthy and balanced weaning diet for your infant, with a focus on nutrient-rich foods and appropriate portion sizes.

Why is weaning important?

Weaning is an important milestone in a baby's development. Breast milk or formula provides all the necessary nutrients for the first six months of life, but as babies grow, they need additional nutrients and energy from solid foods.

Introducing a variety of foods to your baby's diet early on can help them develop healthy eating habits and taste preferences. It can also help prevent picky eating and ensure that your child gets all the nutrients they need to thrive.

When should you start weaning?

The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants start solid foods around six months of age. However, every baby is different, and some may be ready to start earlier or later.Look for these signs to determine if your baby is ready for solid foods:

Ø They can sit up without support.

Ø They have good head control.

Ø They show interest in food and try to grab it.

Ø They have lost the tongue-thrust reflex, which pushes food out of the mouth.

Ø If your baby is showing these signs, talk to your pediatrician about starting the weaning process.

What foods should you offer your baby?

When it comes to Infant weaning diet, it's important to offer a variety of nutrient-rich foods to ensure that your baby is getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals for growth and development.Here are some healthy and appropriate weaning foods to consider:

1.  Fruits and vegetables

These should make up a significant portion of your baby's diet, as they provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Some good options include mashed avocado, sweet potato, butternut squash, bananas, and cooked apples or pears.

2.  Protein

Your baby needs protein to build and repair tissues, so be sure to offer sources such as well-cooked and mashed meat, poultry, fish, beans, and tofu.

3.  Dairy

Babies need calcium and vitamin D for strong bones and teeth, so offer small amounts of full-fat yogurt, cheese, or other dairy products.

4.  Grains

Whole grains provide energy and essential nutrients, so consider offering small amounts of cooked oats, quinoa, brown rice, or other grains.

5.  Water

Your baby needs water to stay hydrated, especially as they start eating solid foods. Offer small amounts of water in a Sippy cup or bottle.

When introducing new foods, start with small amounts and watch for any signs of allergies or digestive issues. You may need to try a food several times before your baby accepts it.

It's also important to avoid certain foods during the weaning process, such as honey (which can cause botulism in infants under one year of age), choking hazards like popcorn and nuts, and foods with added sugar or salt.

Author`s Bio: The writer is a well known holistic health practitioner  who

does the best infant nutrition and growth consultant in Kolkata and also 

constantly sought to enhance and upgrade her knowledge and

experiences in related fields such as Ayurveda, Nature Cure, Yoga,

Mindfulness, Sound (Nada), Vibronic, and Human and Child Psychology.

This is in addition to her exploration of subjects such as biochemistry,

evolutionary biology, food science and nutrition, human sexuality, Indian

classical dance, and music. Her diverse interests and academic pursuits

make her approach truly dynamic, involving deeper aspects of being:

mind, body, and spirit.